Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaNoWrimo!!!!! D2

Here it is, Day 2 and so far my prep work, goal setting, organization and daily pages are working for me.....but it is ONLY day 2.

Day 1 I wrote 2041 words.
I wrote a forward and day 1 initial interview for Lynn

Day 2 I wrote 4289 words. 6336 words total!
I wrote about Lynn's first love, her first date, first kiss, first prom, first time having sex AND first orgasm. Too bad I am thinking about killing off her SO later on. I havent decided yet. might just have him or her move out of range.

I am glad I am ahead on wordcount. This coming weekends plans will make it a bit of a struggle to lug around the laptop and find outlets for a few hours a day. The atmosphere will be very different as well, I hope it does not lead to writers block.

Keep On Writing folks!!!

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