Sunday, November 28, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 28


I had my first 5000+ word day today trying desperately to catch up after the holiday weekend.

I THOUGHT I had about 1400 more words to knock out tomorrow so I started adding my finished chapters to a "Master Copy" so I could drop it at the NaNoWriMo website and have it validated.

Then I went through, made small edits (fixed the spell-check errors I had been ignoring) and added the title

Hit the "word count" button and I was over 50,000 words!

It seems my occasional going back and adding a line here or a paragraph there added up.

Either that or I really cant count for shit lol.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

NaNoWrimo D20

OMG only 10 days left!!!!!

I am behind, I have not even cleared 30,000 words and I am struggling to maintain focus.  I was on board, keeping and going over my daily minimums, running great, found a word war friend so we could run writing drills daily and then, BLAMMO! I got tripped up by life, or the end of it at least. I had to go out of town for a funeral.

"Life is what happens when you are busy making plans"

Well I did get to write, It just didnt get to count it for NaNoWriMo.  I wrote a eulogy for a friend who was struggling to put her mom, who she never got along with, into a light that wouldnt make either of them sound like raving lunatics.

After convincing my friend that "I AM a FICTION writer" and "I'm currently in 'give it the most words' mode" , She finally allowed me to help her.  It was perfect, not to squishy, focusing a lot more on casual stuff than epic events and not at all on the relationship between mother and child except for where my friend wanted it too.

I wish I could have counted the million or so tweets I sent during a cross country trip that lasted all of 60 hours from check in to final landing, but they don't count either.

So off I go again, back into the world, laptop slung across my back like a weapon, so I can type any time I stop moving...........

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

NaNoWrimo D16

We have just passed week 2 and I'm hanging in there.  I did prove to myself that if I skip a day (or 3) that all is not lost. Just write a few hundred extra words a day and I can catch up, usually just in time to miss a day and fall behind again.

I make time to write at work, oddly there are less distractions there  and I can break it up into smaller bites. 15 minutes here, 20 minutes there another 15 minutes later.  Then I can wrap up or fill out anything else at the end of my day when I want to just veg out and not have to think.

I have a lot to go back and fill in and wrap up in previous chapters and I am trying to stick to my "page a day" plan. I am saving the last week of the month for filling in missing stuff from the secondary character. If I am lacking in word count by that point then it will easily fill it out.

I am still running with a baseline goal of 50,000 words but I also have a "silver" goal of 60,000 and a "gold" goal of 75. Right now I am just shy of 24,000

I am having fun with this this time though. I have networked a bit with others who are doing this as well (some of them already published which is REALLY COOL!!). Finding a NaNo peer group has seemed to be the key to my personal success this time.

Well that's it for now.  I need to get ready to tangle with the TSA a few times over the next few days....wish me luck, maybe it will make it into my book!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

NaNoWrimo D10

      Well its day 10, I am a little over 11,000 words.  Thankfully I was a bit ahead going into last weekend. I had PLANS to stop and write while I was at TeslaCon.....but when your normal, Midwestern, depressed housewife starts talking in a British/French accent and has Victorian behaviors, reactions and language patterns...its time to give it up for a few days.

    My other problem was I ONLY got 500 words written at work on Thursday because my offspring had to go home sick. Then Friday through Sunday was TeslaCon and Monday I slept.  I THOUGHT about writing but my eyeballs had other plans.

     I WILL catch up this week.  I was only a few thousand words behind and I know I just need to find a chapter that draws me in and keeps me going.

      I REALLY should be WRITING right now................

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NaNoWrimo!!!!! D2

Here it is, Day 2 and so far my prep work, goal setting, organization and daily pages are working for me.....but it is ONLY day 2.

Day 1 I wrote 2041 words.
I wrote a forward and day 1 initial interview for Lynn

Day 2 I wrote 4289 words. 6336 words total!
I wrote about Lynn's first love, her first date, first kiss, first prom, first time having sex AND first orgasm. Too bad I am thinking about killing off her SO later on. I havent decided yet. might just have him or her move out of range.

I am glad I am ahead on wordcount. This coming weekends plans will make it a bit of a struggle to lug around the laptop and find outlets for a few hours a day. The atmosphere will be very different as well, I hope it does not lead to writers block.

Keep On Writing folks!!!