Thursday, May 14, 2009

Podcasts are my inspiration.

I have been having some computer issues as of late and have been unable to update the podcasts on my mp3 player...So I listened to the same 2 dozen Escape pod and podcastle stories for the last month and a half.

Last week I got the computer to work normally for 36 hours...most of which was spent updating software and reloading 4 different mp3 players.

But back to the old stories.

I listen at work while I am folding towels, tying baby diapers together in formations that resemble large tiered cakes, or just walking during my 15 minute breaks. Some stories I like because they remind me of people I know. others I like because they remind me of myself (or even sometimes the "speculative fiction" side of myself).

now and then they start blending together in my head and BLAMMO, Story idea. scramble for some paper, jot down the idea, and the inspirations and stuff it in a pocket.

I have a half a dozen ideas right now that didn't take a ride through a washer and dryer. Since my brother keeps plugging away as a writer (even getting a BA in creative writing while I dropped out of a 2 year college program after failing Algebra...twice). I need to get my butt in gear.

I will never see what I can do if I don't try.

in the coming weeks I will explore a Kaiju story, an undersea adventure and an invention story. Dunno if they will be Sci/fi or fantasy but I hope they come out to something.

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